Thursday, December 12, 2019

You can now try the Microsoft Teams application for Linux

You can now try the Microsoft Teams application for Linux

It was known for a few months and has just been fulfilled: Microsoft Teams for Linux is a fact. A relevant fact, moreover, because it is "the first Microsoft 365 application that reaches Linux desktops," reports the company.

Microsoft Teams for Linux arrives in technical preview mode, trimmed in terms of functions, but with the promise that "it will support all the basic functionalities of Teams" as its development progresses, for which Microsoft encourages interested users to They test the application and report the errors they find.

Microsoft Teams is, to put it in a nutshell, the Microsoft Slack: a communications service for workgroups that includes chat rooms, videoconferencing, real-time office collaboration, file sharing, integration with Microsoft 365 applications and third parties and many other productivity tools. And although Slack is the reference of the sector, Redmon's proposal is very strong in this area thanks to everything behind it. That is, thanks to Microsoft 365.

“Most of our clients have devices that run on a variety of different platforms, such as Windows 10, Linux and others. We are committed to supporting mixed environments in our productivity and cloud offerings, and with this announcement, we are pleased to extend the Teams experience to Linux users, ”says Microsoft in the presentation of Microsoft Teams for Linux (there you will see several GIF showing the application).

That this is "the first application of Microsoft 365 that reaches Linux desktops" has a trick, because Microsoft 365 is the reformulation of Office 365 as a product for companies. But Skype was already. And it is not a native application, although the latter is debatable. Like Skype or Visual Studio Code itself, it is an Electron application, which is ultimately the basis they use for the new cross-platform applications they are launching.

If you are interested in trying Microsoft Teams for Linux, you can download the installer for Deb and RPM distributions, only for 64-bit.

And if you're interested in knowing what else Microsoft has prepared for Linux, the next thing should be Microsoft Edge, although we'll have to wait until 2020 to see it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The new version of Bittorrent 4.2.0 arrives and these are its novelties

Bittorrent 4.2.0

Among the best known ways to share files on the network is the P2P where Torrent is one of the most representative of it. Although listening to the word Torrent is usually associated with piracy and material that infringes copyrights, this way of sharing files on the network is not entirely illegal since many contributions that are free of distribution are also hung, as well as for example, many of the Linux distributions are usually distributed by this means.

As many of you will know, in order to download what a Torrent file contains you have to use a client for it, which among the most popular we can find qBittorrent. This is a cross-platform, free and open source P2P client for the BitTorrent network.

The program uses the libtorrent-rasterbar library for network communication. Bittorrent is written in the C ++ programming language (using the Boost libraries) because it is a native application; It also uses the Qt library.

Its optional search engine is written in the Python programming language, however, if the user is not willing to install Python, he can choose not to use the search function.

This is developed as an open alternative to µTorrent, since it is similar in terms of interface and functionality.

Among the main features of qBittorrent we can find: the integrated search engine, the ability to subscribe to RSS, support for many BEP extensions, remote control through the web interface, sequential download mode in the specified order, advanced settings for torrents , pairs and trackers, bandwidth programmer and IP filter, interface to create torrents, support for UPnP and NAT-PMP.

About the new version of qBittorrent 4.2.0

A few days ago the launch of the new version of qBittorrent 4.2.0 was announced. Version in which we can find a handful of new features and especially improvements and bug fixes around its previous version.

 Among the improvements that are highlighted in the announcement of this new version of qBittorrent 4.2.0, we can find the following:

  1. For hash passwords for screen lock and access to the web interface, the PBKDF2 algorithm is used.
  2. Conversion of icons to SVG format completed.
  3. The ability to change the interface style using QSS style sheets was added.
  4. Added dialog "Tracker entries".
  5. On the first start, a random port number is provided.
  6. The transition to Super Seeding mode was implemented after the time limit and traffic intensity were exhausted.
  7. Improved implementation of the built-in tracker, which now best meets the BEP (BitTorrent Improvement Proposal) specifications.
  8. Added option to align the file to the edge of the block when creating a new torrent.
  9. Added support to open a file or call a torrent by pressing Enter.
  10. The ability to remove torrent and related files after the specified limit has been exhausted has been added.
  11. You can now select several items at once in a dialog box with a list of blocked IPs.
  12. The possibilities of pausing torrent verification and forcing a call to retest completely failed torrents that have not started are returned.
  13. Preview command of the double-click file added.
  14. Added support for libtorrent 1.2.x and stopped working with versions earlier than 1.1.10.

How to install qBittorrent on Linux?

For those interested in being able to install this new version of qbittorrent 4.2.0 in their Linux distribution, they can do so by typing the commands we share below.

For those who are Ubuntu users, Linux Mint or any other Ubuntu-based distribution should add the following repository. To do this, they must open a terminal and type in the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable -y
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qbittorrent
While for those who are users of Arch Linux or any other derivative thereof, they install the new version by typing the following:

sudo pacman -Sy qbittorrent
 Those who are Fedora users:

sudo dnf install qbittorrent
OpenSUSE users:

sudo zipper in qbittorrent

Monday, December 9, 2019

How to install Firefox on Debian

How to install Firefox on Debian

Maybe it sounds like a joke about how to install Firefox on Debian, but it isn't, as the most experienced Debianites know. Because, yes, Firefox has long been the default web browser in most Linux and Debian distributions is no exception, but ...

But it was not always like this. For many years, the name of Firefox was not seen in Debian at first, although in the background the browser that used the distro was Firefox. However, due to legal conflicts and forms, what Debian offered its users was called Iceweasel. And the same goes for Thunderbird: Icedove was called his mail client.

Finally in Mozilla they entered into reason and changed what was wrong, again winning Debian's favor. Then, Firefox returned with all of the law within the universal operating system. But, alas, it wasn't Firefox itself, but Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release), a stable version of the browser that only receives security patches.

It's understandable: Firefox on Debian adapts to the idiosyncrasy of the distribution and the ESR version is the right one, despite being quite outdated. The problem is that either 60 or 68, yesterday Firefox 71 came out and the accumulated is noticeable and much in all aspects, performance to the new browser privacy tools.

How to install Firefox on Debian

Getting to the point, Firefox is installed as standard on Debian, but since it is not the version that many will want, life must be sought, since the normal version is not found in the repositories. That is, you have to install Firefox by hand, as it has always been done, as explained in the wiki. In steps:

  1. First, download Firefox from the official website.
  2. Second, unzip the package in your user box.
  3. Third, create an empty text document called "firefox-stable.desktop" and paste the following into it:
[Desktop entry]
Name = Firefox stable
Comment = web browser
Exec = / path / firefox / firefox% u
Terminal = false
Type = Application
Icon = / path / firefox / browser / chrome / icons / default / default128.png
Categories = Network; WebBrowser;
MimeType = text / html; text / xml; application / xhtml + xml; application / xml; application / vnd.mozilla.xul + xml; application / rss + xml; application / rdf + xml; x-scheme-handler / http; controller-schema-x / https;
StartupNotify = true
Look at the word highlighted in black: «path«; because there you must put the path where you left the Firefox folder. Normally, it would be in your user directory, for example: «/ home / james / firefox / firefox% u».

  1. Fourth, save that file in «/.local/share/applications«.

Keep in mind that this method is only for you, which is the scenario that I consider most common. If you want Firefox to be available to all users of the system, the process is the same, only the routes change (both actions require administrator permissions):

  • The Firefox package you have to unzip it in «/ opt /«.
  • The .desktop access you have to create it in «/ usr / share / applications» and adapt it to the path of the executable.

Once installed, remember that you can translate the Firefox interface to the language you want through the preferences of the browser itself. And as for the version update, don't worry because Firefox will apply them to the Windows style, silently, as they become available.

Of course, you can also install Firefox on Debian as Flatpak and Snap, but honestly ...

Disney + already works on Linux, or so it seems

Disney +

Disney + is called to be the new streaming giant because it has behind the world's largest producer of audiovisual content, however, GNU / Linux users could not use it because the DRM introduced in the Chrome and Firefox versions for The Open Source system did not meet the required security level.

The issue was denounced at the time by Hans de Goede, an employee of Red Hat and one of the engineers most involved in the development of Fedora. De Goede could know this first hand because he is from the Netherlands, a country that had the privilege of being with the United States and Canada the first to officially use Disney +. After learning about this problem with the DRMs available for GNU / Linux, he decided to contact Disney to see if he could find a solution.

While the community around the GNU / Linux desktop is relatively small, it has the ability to be very active. This adds to the fact that other streaming content services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have not put any impediment to their use from the Open Source system beyond the DRM provided by Chrome and Firefox (Widevine), so after Hans' contacts Goede (and possibly other people linked to the community) and user complaints, Disney seems to have rectified (or Widevine has been updated) and now you can access the contents of Disney + from GNU / Linux, or so they count on OMG Ubuntu after collecting posts from various Twitter users.

Obviously, to use Prime Video, Netflix and presumably Disney + in GNU / Linux requires a recent version of Google Chrome or Firefox that supports Widevine, the DRM that has opened the door to the use of these services from the browser and independently of the operating system. Although the DRM in HTML5 was at the time very criticized, it has been shown as a good way to unlink the streaming services of the native applications and reduce their dependence on the operating system, making it now not necessary to have a dual boot with Windows to using them.

If this information is confirmed, when Disney + arrives in Spain, GNU / Linux users would not have to have any problem to enjoy The Mandalorian.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia already has its beta version

Linux Mint 19.3

The Linux Mint Project today released the beta version of its next Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia distribution available in all official versions, including Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce.

Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia began development at the beginning of September and now has a public beta before its launch that is planned for later this month, just during the Christmas season.

Improvements in Linux Mint 19.3 Beta

Linux Mint 19.3

Linux Mint 19.3 Beta enhancements include three new applications, Gnote as an application to take notes, replacing Tomboy, Drawing replacing GIMP and Celluloid as a replacement for Xplayer.

For all versions, Linux Mint 19.3 adds support for HiDPI with better icons in the system bar, clear flags in language settings and other tools, as well as improved screen savers and theme previews.

The reporting system has been improved for all editions and now a new icon is added in the system bar to inform users that they need to check some things, in addition to automatic detection of potential problems on the computer due to lack of codecs or drivers .

The language tool has been updated to allow users to select the time format and there is a new solution in the system bar that brings support for dark and light icons, support for multiple menus, native menus and more.

Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce come with Cinnamon 4.4, MATE 1.22 and Xfce 4.14. You can download the beta versions on the official distribution page.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Masakhane, an open source project that allows automatic translation of more than 2000 African languages


When we usually hear about open source projects in most cases, programs or utilities come to mind for everyday work purposes. Although this is not the case as such, since open source covers many more areas.

One of them is artificial intelligence that is currently growing in an incredible exponential manner, although some years ago it was believed that it would be something that would develop well many years later.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently used for various cases, of which the most popular are for the detection of objects, people, patterns among other things. It is also used within translators of which many of them are patented by companies.

But in this case we will talk about an open source project which has aroused the interest of many as it is developed to cover a great need in the African territory, which is communication since it is currently estimated that in Africa there are around 2000 languages

Masakhane a project that must be fulfilled for a common good

The project we will talk about is "Masakhane" which is a project that was founded by South African AI researchers Jade Abbott and Laura Martinus and the project is collaborating with AI researchers and data scientists from all over Africa.
When they met at a conference related to machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) this year, they talked about a project to translate African languages ​​into machine learning models and started Masakhane. The name of the project "Masakhane" is a word that means "to do together" in Zulu.

Languages ​​that allow automatic translation in Masakhane include not only native African languages, but also the Nigerian Pidgin dialect in English and Arabic spoken in North and Central Africa. Unlike European languages, these languages ​​have no specific benchmarks or large data sets.

In addition to the importance of giving Africans several opportunities, the benefits of developers participating in Masakhane are listed as "The success of the African AI projects is an African AI researcher." It could lead to relaxed restrictions. ”

Currently in Masakhane it has about 60 developers in Africa (South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria) of which each participant collects data in their native language and trains the model.

In Kenya, English is often used in schools and other public places, but in everyday life different languages ​​are used for each tribe, so Siminyu felt there was a communication gap. It was. Therefore, AI developer Siminyu decided to join Masakhane.

Siminyu believes that translating African languages ​​through machine learning will lead to growth in the use of AI in Africa, which will help people in Africa use AI in their lives. Siminyu argues that projects across the continent, such as Masakhane, are important to connect African developers and research communities and achieve long-term and sustainable collaboration.

“Language differences are a barrier, and eliminating the language barrier will allow many Africans to participate in the digital economy and, ultimately, in the AI economy. "I feel it is the responsibility of those who participate in Masakhane to get people who are not involved in AI society," said Siminyu.
Masakhane's attendees say that the developer community in Africa is expanding rapidly and that the benefits of machine translation for African languages are significant.

“We can solve the problem. We have experts, we have knowledge and intelligence ... I think they will become a foothold to contribute to the world. An African developer says.

Finally, if you want to know more about the project, you can check the details on their official website. The link is this.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to recover GRUB in Ubuntu after installing other distributions

How to recover GRUB in Ubuntu after installing other distributions

You know what the curse of the distrohopper is, right? In essence, you install Ubuntu or some simple derivative, you spend a lot of time with it without major mishaps, you get bored, you decide to install other distros on disks or partitions apart ... and they put their own GRUB, which you will not want in the long run because either you installed those other distros out of passing curiosity, or if you did it to move seriously you discover that what you were using works perfectly for you, or that it is better to reinstall from scratch.

When access to the system you want to keep is difficult, it is normal to use some live media to boot from it and repair the GRUB with the tools it provides, and for these cases there are those who are prepared specifically to perform this task. I refer to distributions like SystemRescueCd and even more specific ones, like Super Grub2 Disk 2. However, if you can continue logging in - for example, choosing a specific partition from the BIOS - it is more feasible to fix it from within.

To make sure where the GRUB was installed, the command will help you:

sudo debconf-show grub-pc
The line you have to pay attention to is usually the first one, "grub-pc / install_devices", which will indicate the disk drive on which it was first installed. Anyway, this is just a procedure, because if something good has the GRUB is that "remember" where it was installed. The only convenient thing is to know - and you should know, if it is your device - if you installed it with a normal BIOS or in UEFI.

Depending on the case, you can recover the GRUB with one of these two commands:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64
It should be noted that this simple method is aimed only at those who installed the system on a regular basis, without changing the location of the boot loader. Of course, the GRUB can be installed wherever you want, including a specific partition, but it will be easier for problems to arise.

Five reasons to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and many others for not doing so

Windows 7 to Windows 10

Windows 7 technical support will end in less than two months and Microsoft continues to recommend the migration of computers to Windows 10. There are good reasons to perform the update, but the large market share that Windows 7 still maintains shows that millions of users prefer to keep it . And there are also reasons for that. Or for the search for other alternatives beyond Windows.

Microsoft will end Windows 7 technical support on January 14, 2020. Basically, this means that the operating system will not receive new security updates. To avoid repeating another "Windows XP case" and the industry encounters tens of millions of vulnerable computers, Microsoft is recommending a massive migration, obviously, to another of its operating systems, Windows 10, whether updating or buying a new computer. .

There are good reasons to opt for any of the options and we will review them, remembering that there are two other alternatives, from moving to macOS by acquiring an Apple Mac (or curing a Hackintosh) to give Linux a chance through some of its distributions that offer great support for the main architectures using free or proprietary drivers and you should not have problems to support at least the primary hardware of a Windows 7 computer.

Windows 7 to Windows 10
Windows 7 to Windows 10

Five reasons to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10

1- Security. It is the clearest point to advise the update. A Windows 7 computer without security updates from January will be potentially exposed to attacks taking advantage of unpatched vulnerabilities. In Windows there is malware to give and take since it is the most used and most exploited system and Windows 10, in addition to continuous security patches it has the latest protection technologies that Windows 7 does not have, such as user credentials in secure containers ; authentication systems such as Windows Hello and Passport or a security service in Windows that includes much more powerful Defender.

2- Support for new technologies and features. Since the launch of Windows 10 Microsoft abandoned Windows 7 to its fate. Many understand that for commercial and non-technical reasons, but it was their option and in the support section for new technologies and features Windows 10 wins by a win. The development of Windows 7 stopped years ago and any novelty if you work with Windows you can only find it in Windows 10. The examples are numerous, from the management of networks to touch screens or high definition and formats such as ultrawide; new drivers and drivers; Support for new processing platforms or future industry standards such as USB 4.0, DDR5, PCIe 5.0 or the same 5G.

3- Games and DirectX 12. Another example of the greater and better support of Windows 10 is here. Microsoft released for Windows 10 the new set of multimedia libraries, DirectX 12, dedicated to the development of video game programming. Although in recent months Microsoft has moved some component to Windows 7 (very limited), the set of APIs is still exclusive for Windows 10. Although there are other standardized specifications to create multimedia content such as OpenGL and its promising latest Vulkan version, the overwhelming domain Windows on PCs makes DirectX a reference for games on personal computers and for a PC gamer it is a clear reason that it only recommends updating to Windows 10.

4- Single system for multiple devices. Windows 10 is created on the basis of a multiplatform and multi-device concept, encompassing the development of desktop Windows, mobile devices, alternative architectures such as ARM and even the Xbox One dashboard. Although it has not been fully achieved by the problematic of the Modern UI interface and the need to maintain compatibility (the hybrid is more clear that it clarifies) and the mobile fiasco allows a similar and consistent user experience from any device that Windows 7 is unable to offer. The bet is a unique system and Continuum, a feature that allows an interface capable of adapting to any device or offering a high degree of synchronization, for example from Xbox games or from an Android smartphone increasingly integrated into Windows 10.

5- Hardware requirements. Windows 10 has its problem, but in hardware support and code optimization it should be noted that Microsoft has done a good job since its launch. From the first version, we already verified that it worked surprisingly fluid in old equipment thanks to quite contained hardware requirements. The situation has changed very little in the new versions and they are still similar to those established for Windows 8 and Windows 7 in order to facilitate migrations without having to change the equipment. Except for some specific incompatibility of some very old component, a Windows 7 computer will work well with Windows 10.

Windows 7 to Windows 10
Windows 7 to Windows 10

Five reasons not to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10

1- If it works for what to change. Windows 7 is one of the best operating systems released by Microsoft. He arrived to overcome the disaster of Vista and he succeeded in a huge leap forward in usability, stability and performance. With the reinforcement of the Service Pack it has been maintained in an excellent way during the last decade. Despite the freeness of Windows 10 for more than a year and Microsoft's excessive insistence to convince the update staff, three out of ten personal computers still use it. And at this point it will not be easy to convince them otherwise despite the problem of running out of official technical support.

2- Desktop and family interface. Windows 7 is the latest Microsoft operating system that offers what a typical user expects from a desktop Windows. Windows 10 is something else. A hybrid with the Modern UI interface (disastrous in its beginnings) that despite the improvements in the following updates still dislikes as much as the simple, effective and tremendously familiar Windows 7, on the desktop, taskbar or start menu .

3- More privacy. Despite Microsoft's promises, the privacy of Windows 10 remains one of the most controversial issues in this operating system. Although transparency and control has been improved in the successive updates from an initial configuration in the simply terrifying launch that left the user "sold", accusations of breach of the privacy rules are still happening. You have to spend a lot of time to manage an aspect that in Windows 7 is solved as a base. And despite this, the level of telemetry is still huge and cannot be completely eliminated.

4- Less Bloatware. The amount of “junk” or unnecessary software preinstalled in Windows 10 is huge compared to that of Windows 7. To the usual applications and services of previous versions of Windows, Microsoft has added in its latest operating system a lot of Windows 10 applications (universal) for the Modern UI interface and a huge list of third parties (Candy Crush, Spotify, Trip Advisor, Bubble Witch 3 Saga, Amazon, Disney Magic Kingdoms, Netflix, Skype, Cooking Fever, Fitbit Coach ...) that have nothing to do with the system operational penalizing the user experience, performance, stability and even compromising security as in the case of Superfish. Windows 7 is much cleaner base.

5- Greater stability - old software support. Windows 7 offers very complete support to the Windows ecosystem and what it does not support is - mostly - by Microsoft's commercial strategy. Although Windows 10 runs old software in different ways, Windows 7 handles older software better. Also the system itself is maintained much more easily. Faced with the disaster of Windows 10 updates, Windows 7 only requires installing the Service Pack and applying the monthly security patches if applicable.

You have to comment. Did you migrate to Windows 10 or will you do it? Do you stay in Windows 7? For what reasons? Have you looked for alternatives outside of Windows?


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Blender 2.81 is now available and these are its most outstanding news

Blender 2.81 is now available and these are its most outstanding news

The new version of the open source 3D modeling software “Blender 2.81” has already been published. This new version includes a series of changes that many consider as good for the software. Since the developers have been working for more than four months on the features and improvements implemented in Blender.

This new version incorporates more than one hundred improvements, among which are the addition of new tools, brushes, engine improvements, some interface changes, among other things.

Main news of Blender 2.81

Among the most prominent changes, we can find that a new interface is proposed to navigate the file system, implemented in the form of a pop-up window with a typical fill for file managers. Various display modes are supported (list, thumbnails), filters, dynamically displayed panel with options, place deleted files in the trash, store modified settings.

Another of the changes that stand out is in a redesign of the sculpture tools, the cursor aligns with the normal geometry. The software shows the edges impacted by the brush. New brushes have been added: the “Pose” brush allows creating a deformation of the model according to its reinforcement. The “Elastic Deform” brush allows distorting the model while maintaining the volume.

In addition, the function of renaming groups of elements in batch mode is implemented in Blender 2.81. If it was previously possible to rename only the active element (F2), now this operation can also be performed for all the selected elements (Ctrl F2).
When changing the name, it supports features such as the replacement of regular expressions, the specification of prefix and suffix masks, the removal of characters and the change of upper and lower case letters.

Eevee now supports shadow wheels and instantiated lights. The final distance of the sun's rays is now calculated automatically. Volumes are faster to calculate in modern GPUs. Relief mapping provides a more accurate result, thus approaching the results that can be obtained in Cycles

Of the other changes that stand out:

  1. Improvements in the Poly Build design tool that greatly facilitates deformation and the creation of polygons.
  2. Lightning path support based on NVIDIA RTX technology in Cycles
  3. It is possible to preview the different rendering passes of Cycles
  4. The shaders used by Eevee and Cycles have been greatly improved
  5. Noise suppression using Intel's open image
  6. A better highlighter: you can now select several items in the hierarchy window and use the Shift or Ctrl keys to modify your selection
  7. A new file browser with several types of views: a list view and a thumbnail view and a side toolbar for options. In addition, the dialog box is now independent and closer to the classic file selection windows
  8. New brushes have been added to the “Grease Pencil” tool. Performance and rendering quality has been improved.
If you want to know more about the details of this release, you can check them in the following link.

How to install Blender 2.81 on Linux?

Finally, for those who are interested in being able to install this new version of the software, they should know that the developers provide a simple installation method, which is through the Snap packages. So in order to install it on your system you simply have to have the added support.

The installation will be done by opening a terminal and typing in it the following command:

sudo snap install blender --classic

And ready. If you have already installed an earlier version by this means, it will be updated to the new version.

Now for those who are users of Arch Linux, Manjaro, Arco Linux or any other Arch-based distribution. You can install this new version directly from the Arch repositories.

Simply in a terminal they have to type the following command:

sudo pacman -S blender 


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Classic games to play online

Classic games to play online

If you are a lover of classic videogames, of retro gaming, surely what I am going to tell you here is going to like you. Can you imagine being able to play vintage video games like Prince Of Persia, Wolfenstein, Warcraft, etc., without having to install any type of emulator? Simply open your web browser, choose the video game you want to play and start your game for FREE. Well that is possible with the PlayClassic page.

On this page you will find an extensive catalog of classic video games from platforms such as the Nintendo, MS-DOS, SEGA, etc. And for this, its creators have launched this online service using a server with several emulators installed so you can run the video game and play from the client, that is, from your operating system with the simple use of a web browser.

Among the emulators that have been used to revive this catalog of retro titles are some as well known as DOSBox, an emulator that is also available for Linux and that allows you to run native software from the Microsoft DOS platform, as you will know if you read LxA, now That is not the first time we talked about him. But other emulators are also used for other platforms, such as the classic consoles that I mentioned earlier.

On the web you can access its menu to go to the different categories, such as the most played, DOS, Windows, consoles such as SEGA, Nintendo NES, SNES, etc. Select the category, use filters to search for the one you want, click on it, and you will be able to see information about the chosen video game and a button that says “Play it online!”, If you click it will start loading the video game, press Play in the box that appears so you can entertain yourself ... It's that simple!

By the way, if you press ENTER the controls are anchored to the window, to release the cursor and to exit, you just have to press ESC.