Saturday, June 8, 2019

Is it possible to play Fortnite on Linux?

Fortnite, perhaps one of the games that, compared to the PUBG format, is very similar, has been quickly welcomed by a community of gamers thirsty for online games to be able to win the necessary victories of this great game. It is not for less since only with having a computer that fulfills these requirements of Fortnite and connection to Internet you can enjoy it.


But it is precisely the initial scoop that is often an unknown enough for many since there are apparently many doubts about whether this game can be played on other platforms as for example is the case of the well-known Linux and later we will make clear the resolution of this doubt.

Why can not I play in Linux?

It happens that for the creators of this game did not bother or did not come to fully consider this famous platform. You may have even thought that Fortnite would also apply to mobile phones but this game is simply not supported for such software. Although many have filled or crowded the help and assistance forum asking for a version of this game to be programmed for Linux, few have been the answers of satisfaction.

However, it is necessary to consider that this is only the beginning of this type of games and that it would not be rare to find in a future time some version of Fortnite for those GNU / Linux users, even without knowing it, a version may be created in this moment.

Not all is bad news

But if your desire to play Fortnite is really insatiable here we leave you a solution that can help you. First consider complying with all the requirements that the game itself asks and after this you must get a virtual machine or virtual machine that can run Windows or Mac and make sure that the graphical corrections are correct and avoid those errors that crashean your team .

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