Sunday, June 30, 2019

'Tetris Royale', a new version of the classic in 'Battle Royale' format of 100 players prepares its arrival to smartphones

Tetris Royale

We are in full celebration of the 35 years of Tetris and the game is more alive than ever. After the success of 'Tetris 99', the exclusive title for Nintendo Switch Online, a new version of the classic is already being prepared taking advantage of the 'Battle Royale' fever that will be known as 'Tetris Royale'.

This new version will come hand in hand with The Tetris Company and N3TWORK, who have just signed a collaboration agreement to develop new Tetris games for mobile devices. 'Tetris Royale' will be the first of them and aims to become a phenomenon.

A classic that is more alive than ever

'Tetris Royale' will be an exclusive game for iOS and Android devices, which will consist of battles of 100 players, who will compete for the first places of the leaderboard each season. If it sounds familiar to you, it is because it is the same format as the addictive 'Tetris 99', which today is already in its fourth tournament with incredible success.

In addition to the 'Battle Royale' mode, 'Tetris Royale' will feature an individual "marathon" mode and daily challenges where we can win prizes such as customization options, weapons and power-ups for use during battles.

'Tetris Royale' está actualmente en desarrollo, pero sus responsables ya adelantaron que lanzarán una versión beta este 2019 para iPhone, iPad y Android, mientras que la fecha de lanzamiento será anunciada más adelante.

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