Saturday, June 8, 2019

Commands for Arch Linux that all users should know

Arch Linux

Although I often use the console, I confess that I am not very good at memorizing commands, I usually use a "chop" where I have several commands that I usually need and that in some cases I do not remember. This is perhaps not the best way to have the commands we need at hand, but it is the one that I use and it serves me.

Now that I'm enjoying Manjaro KDE (which is a distro based on Arch Linux), I found it interesting to compile the commands that are most used in Arch Linux and others that are not used much but have interesting utilities.

It is worth noting that the best way to know the commands for Arch Linux is the distro Wiki itself, where there is very complete and adequate information for each command. This compilation, is not more than a quick reference guide, to deepen in each command (its use, utility, syntax, among others) we strongly recommend going to the Arch Linux Wiki.

Pacman and Yaourt: the 2 essential commands for Arch Linux

Pacman and Yaourt make Arch Linux one of the best distros that exist today, through them we can enjoy thousands of packages and programs that are available to be installed with these commands. Similarly, both tools work in a very similar way so learning to use it is extremely simple.

Pacman is the default package manager of Arch Linux, meanwhile Yaourt is a wrapper that gives us access to the AUR community repository, where we can get one of the largest catalog of compiled packages that exists today.

The basic commands of Pacman and Yaourt that we must know are the following, we will group it by what they do, we can observe the similarity of the commands, likewise, highlighting that pacman is executed with sudo and for yaourt it is not necessary.

sudo pacman -Syu // Update the system
yaourt -Syu // Update the system
yaourt -Syua // Update the system in addition to the AUR packages
sudo pacman -Sy // Synchronize the database packages
yaourt -Sy // Synchronize the database packages
sudo pacman -Syy // Force synchronization of database packages
yaourt -Syy // Force synchronization of database packages
sudo pacman -Ss package // Lets look for a package in the repositories
yaourt -Ss package // Lets look for a package in the repositories
sudo pacman - If package // Obtain information from a package that is in the repositories
yaourt - If package // Get information about a package that is in the repositories
sudo pacman -Qi package // Shows the information of an installed package
yaourt -Qi package // Shows the information of an installed package
sudo pacman -S package // Install and / or update a package
yaourt -S package // Install and / or update a package
sudo pacman -R package // Remove a package
yaourt -R package // Remove a package
sudo pacman -U / route / to / the / package // Install a local package
yaourt -U / path / to / the / package // Install a local package
sudo pacman -Scc // Clear the cache of the packages
yaourt -Scc // Clean the cache of the packages
sudo pacman -Rc package // Remove a package and its dependencies
yaourt -Rc package // Remove a package and its dependencies
sudo pacman -Rnsc package // Remove a package, its dependencies and configurations
yaourt -Rnsc package // Remove a package, its dependencies and configurations
sudo pacman -Qdt // Show orphaned packages
yaourt -Qdt // Show orphaned packages

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