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BitTorrent private trackers |
There are many, all of them known throughout the different forums that inhabit the Internet, such as Forocoches, where users ask from time to time for invitations to join (we will talk about this later). Some of the most popular in our borders are PuntoTorrent, HD-Spain, Hachede or TorrentLand. Reaching them is not difficult, just a simple Google search to find the access website. The complicated thing is to be part of the community.
However, if you search for "private trackers" on Google, you'll see that the link collections are a bit outdated. This is consistent with the data from Google Trends, where we can see that the interest of users by private trackers has been falling gradually until reaching historical lows. How is the panorama of private trackers, now that government and companies have become so serious with public websites? Lets go see it.
But wait, what is a "private tracker"?
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In the image, UTorrent downloading content. |
First of all it is worth clarifying a couple of things about private trackers, starting with a simple question: what are they? Without entering into specific terms, it is known as a "tracker" or tracker to the server that contains the information necessary for the pairs to connect with each other and share the file, that is, the .torrent file. There are publics, like The Pirate Bay, and there are private ones, which are exclusive for a certain group of users.
The problem with public trackers is that nobody controls what goes up. For example, when the new season of Game of Thrones was released, public torrents were the means to infect users' computers with malware. Why? Because public trackers host the torrent, but do not control what it contains and who uploads it. To solve the problem, we choose to use the lock and make a private tracker, that is, a tracker that requires a username and password to access.
Private trackers usually work with invitations, and to get one you have to know someone who is inside. Do you remember when OnePlus took out its first mobile, that in order to buy it you needed an invitation and, when you got it, could you invite a friend so that he could also buy it? Well, exactly the same. There we have the first problem, although from time to time the stars are aligned and invitations are opened to the general public.
How is this measured? Mainly, with the ratio.
When you enter a private tracker they give you a hash that allows you to control the amount of MB of files that you download and upload. If you have a negative ratio (0.5, for example, which means that you download 2 GB and upload 1 GB), administrators may assume that you are not sharing, and that you are banned. However, not all have symmetric fiber of 1 Gbps, so users with faster speeds have an advantage. To fix it, some private trackers control more for how many days you share the file than the amount increased.
Understand it as a kind of private club which is difficult to access and maintain, although it has certain advantages such as, on paper, improvements in speed, higher quality files and privacy, since users are not usually kept records. That does not mean there can not be problems. The most famous case in our country is that of Animersion, a private tracker that had to close in 2008 after a complaint. They are more private, but not untouchable.
Private trackers usually work with invitations, and to get one you have to know someone who is inside. Do you remember when OnePlus took out its first mobile, that in order to buy it you needed an invitation and, when you got it, could you invite a friend so that he could also buy it? Well, exactly the same. There we have the first problem, although from time to time the stars are aligned and invitations are opened to the general public.
Trackers like PuntoTorrent have a forum open to the public, although it is necessary to have an account to download.
If you manage to access, something worth putting as "Achievement" on LinkedIn, you face a series of rules. You can download everything you want, as long as you share content in its proper measure. In the public trackers, when you download a torrent and get the file, you delete the torrent of the client and stop sharing it, which hurts the other users. In private trackers that is not allowed, at least not for a while, and if you do (what is known as Hit & Run), you run the risk of being banned, and you know that access is not easy.How is this measured? Mainly, with the ratio.
When you enter a private tracker they give you a hash that allows you to control the amount of MB of files that you download and upload. If you have a negative ratio (0.5, for example, which means that you download 2 GB and upload 1 GB), administrators may assume that you are not sharing, and that you are banned. However, not all have symmetric fiber of 1 Gbps, so users with faster speeds have an advantage. To fix it, some private trackers control more for how many days you share the file than the amount increased.
Private trackers can control the upload and download rates of their users, and maintaining a low ratio can be a ban
On the other hand, each tracker usually encourages participation with different GB bonuses. For example, if you download X torrent, its size is applied to your rate of increase and the ratio is improved, or that the torrent you are sharing is worth two or, directly, that does not apply to your ratio. Inventions like that there are several, depending on the tracker in which you participate.Understand it as a kind of private club which is difficult to access and maintain, although it has certain advantages such as, on paper, improvements in speed, higher quality files and privacy, since users are not usually kept records. That does not mean there can not be problems. The most famous case in our country is that of Animersion, a private tracker that had to close in 2008 after a complaint. They are more private, but not untouchable.
And how is the situation?
Hachede home page. The user's data has been blurred to preserve the user's privacy.
With some exceptions, private trackers do not offer their statistics to the "general public". Some like PuntoTorrent if they allow to know the global statistics (members, available torrents ...), but most require that the user has logged in to access the data.
In the case of Hachede, the most prolific user has uploaded 10,274 TB of files. It may seem little to the naked eye, but we are talking about 250,000 times the size of the English Wikipedia. The one that has most downloaded has been done with 124.32 TB of files, 2,000 times the size of 'Halo 5'.
This is what we see from the outside, but how is it inside? Is there activity? What is the current situation? To get out of doubt we have been able to access one of the trackers and talk with some users to give us their point of view.
The user who has shared the most data in Hachede exceeds the 10,000 TB barrier
A user (who prefers to remain anonymous) tells us that he has been "since 2014 in private trackers and I mounted a NAS 24/7 (a networked storage)", although he confesses that "now with the video on demand platforms the NAS is offline. " What he usually downloads, he continues, "they are movies, since I have HBO, Netflix and Prime, so I'm served series". He got the invitations in hard2mano and Forocoches.
He thinks that "today, for me the best is PuntoTorrent, by quantity and quality". Just look at the table to see that it greatly exceeds Hachede and company, although "Hachede is very good because everything is of good quality, but there is less material." If you like classic cinema, the catalog you have is brutal. "He notes that" TBPlus seems to be dead. "
In HacheDe you can find the third chapter of the eighth season of Game of Thrones with the corrected light.
Although it does not use them as much as before, it does believe that private trackers have advantages over public ones. "[The advantages of a private tracker] are that you know that everything that comes up is of a minimum quality, that people share, you do not have disproportionate publicity like the websites of links or open torrents, not to mention the packs that are developed the users, in plan all the seasons of a series, all the films of a saga ... Everything well ordered, with the same quality, subtitles, languages ... ".
Private trackers offer better content, faster download speed and, in a way, guarantees the user
Another user, who also prefers not to reveal his name, tells us that he started using them when "someone at work told me about a private tracker that he used and used in a curious way: he had a VPS (a virtual private server) with a certain storage space and a Bittorrent client running all day, which allowed him to "unlink" that part of a machine and also maintain high load / download ratios that in turn allowed him to gain more privileges: more simultaneous downloads, especially " . It has been running since 2012 and today it has downloaded 1.96 TB and uploaded 1.94 TB of files.
In the tracker in which "the ratio must be higher than 0.50, in addition to having a system that forces you to keep the file you download for at least 72 hours or reach the ratio 1: 1 in the torrent before the 10 days after downloading it. " To this is added "a points system for the number of shared downloads or for being seed", points with which "you can earn gigs of increase or eliminate infractions that are committed when you do not follow the rules".
VIP benefits
In this private tracker you can acquire a VIP membership with advantages from six euros per month.It is curious, in fact, that in this tracker you can buy VIP memberships for between six euros a month up to 52 euros a year. These allow not to be banned for low ratio, get GB up, eliminate Hit & Run obtained to date and, in the case of the two most expensive memberships, one or two invitations to share with users.
When we ask him if he believes that this type of trackers have advantages, he tells us that "the content that is available is downloaded at dizzying speeds, often making the most of my broadband connection, like any other public tracker. the number of seeders and leechers of each content, but unlike the public trackers the availability to share of all the nodes is exceptional, and that translates into
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